As you may know, in 2021 there was an extended period where we were unable to secure PB60 in the grade required to manufacture artist colors, and as a result, items containing this pigment were made unavailable. Late in 2021, supplies of PB60 became available once again and we have since begun manufacturing items containing this pigment.
Today, we are happy to announce that many of these items will be available again beginning February 1st, 2022. See the enclosed list of included items from the GOLDEN Heavy Body, Fluids, and Open lines of acrylic colors:
GOLDEN PB60 Items_Available Feb_01_22.xlsx
The following sizes from these product lines remain UNAVAILABLE:
- Heavy Body Acrylics – 32oz and Gallons
- Fluid Acrylics – 32oz
- OPEN Acrylics – 8oz

Choices in artist paintbrushes seem endless. How do you choose?
Artist paint brushes come in many different shapes, sizes, materials and brands. So how do you know which ones you need?
Check out these articles in, to learn about the types of brushes that work best for certain paints and different ways of cleaning brushes as well!
Sign up for our Retailer Newsletter!
It’s our hope here at GOLDEN that important news and announcements are reaching the right people at your company. We know that over time lots of things change – People change positions, move on to new companies, stores close, and new stores open.
If you or someone else you know should be receiving emails from GOLDEN containing important product information, news and announcements, please sign up or help us get them on our list! Simply click here and you’ll be directed to a webpage where you can sign up for our newsletter list.
Once you have the page opened it’s easy to share, simply copy the URL from your browser navigation bar and paste into an email or text message. Share this webpage with colleagues or sign your employees up to keep them in the loop!
Join Golden Artist Colors on Social Media!
This past year at GOLDEN we produced more than 200 new video pieces across eight social media channels. Through 5 Acrylic Preparations for Water Media on Instagram with GOLDEN to A Limited Palette for Winter on Facebook for QoR to Painting with Neutral Grays on YouTube with Williamsburg and more, we were thrilled to engage with more than two million artists in 2021.
We hope you’ve enjoyed watching this content as much as we enjoyed making it. You can rewatch favorite videos and find new ones on all of our social media channels.
Golden Artist Colors, Williamsburg Handmade Oil Colors, and QoR Watercolors
@goldenpaints, @williamsburgoilpaints, and @qorwatercolors
Golden Artist Colors
From all of us at Golden Artist Colors, thank you for sharing this past year with us. We look forward to seeing what the future brings. 🎨
If you have any questions about any of the above information, contact your MacPherson Sales Representative.