PanPastel Colors are professional artist quality soft pastel colors packed in a unique pan format (cake-like). Their special qualities mean that artists can blend and apply pastel (dry) color like paint for the first time. You can use PanPastel for painting, drawing and mixed media. PanPastel Colors are made using a unique manufacturing process requiring minimal binder and fillers, resulting in rich, ultra soft and super-blendable colors. Each color is loaded with the finest quality artist pigments for the most concentrated colors possible. The colors have all been tested for lightfastness and are fully erasable.
Watch the video here.
Pastels Without Paper [Three Acrylic Surfaces]

Here are three toothy acrylic mixtures you can easily apply to panel or board to expand your pastel art whether you use PanPastel, stick pastel , or a variety of pencils.
1. Absorbent Ground on canvas board – feel free to tint this mixture with GOLDEN Fluid Acrylics
2. Pastel Ground on clear acrylic sheet – we masked an area for nice clean edges (and a satisfying tape removal)
3. Micaceous Iron Oxide & Color Pouring Medium Matte – we love this self-leveling surface with a subtle metallic sheen
Watch the video here.
Are PanPastel Colors Nontoxic?

If just joining the community of Golden Artist Colors product line users, one might not know we avoid the term “nontoxic”. It implies an absolute guarantee, and its promise seems in opposition to label statements on many of the color labels stating “WARNING: This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer”, or, currently for Europe, “Warning! Hazardous respirable dust may be formed when used. Do not breathe dust.” A good answer to the “nontoxic” question requires a little more than a “yes”, or “no”.
Read the article here.
PanPastel Resources

For a selection of video resources, click here.
For additional PanPastel resources, click here.
News & Announcements from GOLDEN!
Introducing the Ali Cavanaugh Portrait Colors Set!

Ali Cavanaugh’s portraits capture more than the delicate features of people, but also the tender, unseen things that transcend understanding. The layering techniques demonstrated in her work breathe life into her subjects and create a deep and luminous aura that captivates viewers. These six colors create the ideal palette for achieving effects that distinguish Ali’s work from traditional watercolor portraiture. Sets are now shipping! Available at Mac in Q1.
Learn more here.
Download the sizzle video here.
New QoR Watercolor Swatch Videos!

QoR Artist Watercolors is expanding to 96 colors to offer additional creative opportunities in watercolor painting. The 20 new colors include eleven single pigment colors and an assortment of interference and color shift interference colors! Preorder is now open and colors will be available February 12, 2024.Swatch videos for the new colors are now available.
View and download swatches and videos here.
Senator Joseph A. Griffo Presents NYS Senate Empire Award to Golden Artist Colors

We are honored to share that on December 4, 2023, Senator Joseph A. Griffo, 53rd Senate District, visited Golden Artist Colors to present the New York State Senate Empire Award in recognition of the company’s outstanding contributions and dedication to the growth, prosperity, and betterment of their community and New York State. The New York State Senate Empire Award is the Senate’s highest honor for small businesses, and is presented periodically to local businesses who exemplify a dedication not only to their customers and employees, but to their communities and New York State at large.
Read more here.
New from!
Wet Sanding Acrylics for Best Results

Wet sanding is the most effective way to sand acrylics. Adding water to the process takes advantage of the acrylic’s hygroscopic nature or its propensity to absorb water. Not only does water lubricate the surface, reducing the build up of heat, but the softened acrylic is now easily abraded and in some sense, polished. Acrylics are thermoplastic, so traditional sanding builds up a lot of heat and softens the acrylic. The friction of dry sanding warms the acrylic, making it rubbery, which will quickly gum up your sandpaper. Wet sanding also reduces the amount of airborne dust that can be created from typical dry sanding techniques.
Read the full article here.
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