Vendor Voices

Get in Character with Snazaroo for International Talk Like a Pirate Day

September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and Snazaroo has everything you need to get in character from face paint to accessory tutorials. Snazaroo products are produced with cosmetic-grade ingredients and never tested on parrots or any other animals. Because they are water-based, Snazaroo face paints are easy to apply on skin and will easily wash off with soap and water (so don’t fall overboard or you’ll lose your look!). The formulations do not contain parabens, nanomaterials or fragrances, so other sailors will never smell you coming.

Easy Step-By-Step Face Painting Tutorial

  1. Base: With a slightly wet brush and blue paint, draw a shape on the forehead for the bandana. Remember to draw the shape of a knot on the side of the face. Use a slightly wet sponge to fill the shape with blue paint.
  2. Detail: With a small brush and black paint, carefully outline the edges of the bandana on the forehead and cheek. Then with a brush and white paint, draw some white dots or hearts on the blue bandana. 
  3. Finish: Add an eye patch to the eye opposite the knot. Draw a circle around one eye and a diagonal line towards the opposite eyebrow with black paint.

Add to the fun with a pirate’s sword and hat, using a few basic arts and crafts materials. Let your imagination run free to explore the high seas, whether it be in store or at home.

Submitted by Snazaroo

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